Think Positive


This game is a fun reminder to try and notice your thoughts during a run. While negative thoughts may not always directly affect your pace, staying positive will definitely help you cross that finish line. Enjoy!


  • Think Positive is a game where you train your mind to stay focused and upbeat during a run. 
  • Thought bubbles, representing both positive and negative thoughts, will pop up on your screen. 
  • Your goal is to clear your mind by clicking on the negative thoughts as quickly as possible. 
  • The clearer your mind, the faster you run.
  • The longer you run, the more negative thoughts creep in!
  • 3 minute run every time, just work on your pace.

This game was made for Brackey's Game Jam 2024.2: Clam Before The Storm Game Jam

Think Positive Game Image

Published 13 days ago

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